World-renowned artist Vladimir Kush unveiled his new painting “Cruise of Cinderella” this past weekend in his gallery Kush Fine Art in Laguna Beach, California. The artist hosted an evening over the weekend for his clients and collectors while presenting to them his latest artworks. The concept for this painting started when the artist painted an earlier work by the name of “Full Steam Ahead,” also featured in one of the previous self-published books by the artist titled “Doors of Perception.”
In this new painting, the artist’s imagination was inspired by the story of Cinderella losing her slipper at the ball. The prince found the slipper and, in the end, she married him. Later, the happy couple incorporated the slipper into the family coat of arms. Shoes are an attribute of the traveler on foot. Boats are an attribute of the seafarer. This painting uses the metaphor or a “transfer” from the traveler on land to a traveler by sea. “Walking Beyond Three Seas” is the title of the book written in the form of a diary by a Russian merchant, Afanasy Nikitin, who traveled to India a quarter of a century before Vasco da Gama.
The ocean liner in the painting is sailing over the seas, as if gliding on the dance floor. One can imagine that this is a ship designed for jolly cruises, laughter, merriment, and happy times. Every deck is outfitted with dance floors and concert halls, where elaborate and lavish “Cinderella balls” are regularly held throughout the voyage. The cruise liner symbolizes leaving the mundane of everyday life behind and taking off toward the oceans of fun.
Kush created his own genre of art — “Metaphorical Realism” — and currently owns three art galleries: “Kush Fine Art” in Las Vegas, Nevada, Laguna Beach, California, and Maui, Hawaii. He will also be opening early next year his fourth gallery on Lincoln Road Mall in Miami Beach, Florida. His galleries are the highlight and ultimate destination for anyone who maintains imagination, intellect, and exquisite taste for all genres of art. This luxury and innovative art is the feast for the eyes and the food for the intellect. Over the weekend, Kush celebrated the 20-year anniversary of KFA galleries and reminded everyone, “While visiting KFA, you will be served with warmth and an eye for your unique style as you seek the perfect piece to add to your collection.” The artist took a trip down memory lane and told the story of his own metaphorical journey to the crowds and how he came to “See the World in the Mirror of Metaphor.”