Welcome to Hudson Weekly. Super excited to chat with the talented and beautiful Diane Foster today! Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
I grew up in NJ and am the baby of six children. I always had a knack for singing, dancing around the house and my parents supported that by putting me in dance class at age 8. I won the Little Miss Union contest by dancing to Whitney Houston’s “I wanna dance with somebody”. I started taking classes at Papermill Playhouse and going into NYC for acting and singing. By the time I was 21, I knew I wanted to move to LA to pursue my dreams. I have been here ever since and frankly just getting started! I started my own company, WallyBird Productions, in 2018 and plan on making it a full-fledged studio.
When did you know acting was something you loved and wanted to pursue and how did you get started?
From the very beginning! I have been acting since I was very little. It was natural and innate in me. I am so grateful that I have supportive parents and family. They have always come to my shows, premieres, etc, and that has made all the difference. I believe I was destined to have a life in the Arts and I believe I can make positive change. I began as a dancer and was always acting and singing in parallel to that. I did a lot of Theater and then turned my attention to Film and have been here ever since!

What some may not know is that you also started your own production company. Which is incredible. How did you make the jump from acting to being the boss?
It was gradual. I was always naturally putting people together or making things happen when everyone said it couldn’t be done. I had always wanted to have my own company based on the core values of gender and racial equality and making a difference and in 2018 it was time. I had been producing since I was 24 years old and had a lot of experience before starting my own. It has been the best time working with so many talented people and making their stories.
What do you want your legacy to be?
I want WallyBird Productions to be a fully functioning and successful Film and Television studio just like Warner Bros. I want inclusion to be the center and heart of everything we do at WallyBird Productions and champion filmmakers from across all walks of life. I want to be known as a place that is safe for all. I want my children to be proud of their mother as someone who is making a positive change and impact on the Art I make and am a part of. I want to be remembered as someone who lead with love, loved fiercely and unconditionally, and was a good friend and person.
Do you have any projects in the works right now?
There is SO much going on at WallyBird Productions!! We have two features in post, a feature film musical in development, a documentary in post, a documentary filming, a short filming soon, and several music videos in post or in development.
Where can we keep up with you and find you on socials?
Diane Foster IG x FB x IMDb x Twitter
WallyBird Productions IG x Official site