After filing a personal injury lawsuit with your lawyer at your side, you might believe that your attorney will manage everything from that point forward. To some extent, this is true. However, there may be a time when you will need to testify as a witness in your case.
Feeling anxiety and stress in the period leading up to your testimony is perfectly normal. Nevertheless, it’s essential to recognize that your testimony can significantly influence the direction of your case, either positively or negatively.
Consulting with an expert, such as Rich Godshall, will streamline the process for you. They know the ins and outs of personal injury litigation and will assist you making a well-informed decision. Their suggestions can help ease the burden so that you decide with a clear mind.
That said, here are some recommended tips to help you prepare, maintain composure, and convey your version of events to the court:
Stay Prepared
Before you testify, arrange a meeting with your attorney. Discuss what you should anticipate during the trial. This includes understanding the kind of questions you might face from the opposing counsel, how long your testimony might last, and even what attire would be appropriate for the occasion.
Why this meticulous preparation? It’s crucial to stay prepared and anticipate potential surprises in the courtroom. Projecting a professional image is essential, and part of that includes dressing appropriately. Your lawyer will guide you through all the necessary information before you testify.
Proper Communication
Effective communication during testimony hinges on several key principles. Foremost among these is honesty. Always be truthful, even if a particular detail seems unfavorable to your case. Presenting inaccurate information can come back to haunt you later.
It’s also vital to stick strictly to the facts. Share only the information pertinent to your case and resist the temptation to exaggerate. If you have relevant drawings or photos, especially if taken at the scene, consider using them to bolster your account.
Remember to answer only what is asked of you. Volunteering information without being prompted might lead to inconsistencies, which could hurt your case. If you’re uncertain about an answer to a specific question, it’s acceptable to admit that. It’s always better to be upfront than to make unfounded assumptions.
When testifying, be mindful of both your verbal and non-verbal cues. Speak clearly and at a volume that ensures everyone in the courtroom can hear you. A lucid oral presentation helps guarantee your testimony is interpreted as intended.
Keep Check of Your Emotions
Testifying might resurrect traumatic memories you’ve tried to put behind you. Despite this, it’s crucial to keep your emotions in check and exhibit composed behavior, even when faced with provocative questions.
Never let anger take control and lead you to make threats in the courtroom; such actions can have grave consequences for your case. Display respect towards everyone, addressing individuals as “Mr.” or “Mrs.,” which will position you favorably with the judge and the jury.
Rehearse your testimony multiple times in the weeks leading up to your court appearance. Familiarize yourself thoroughly with pertinent documents and commit to memory of dates, places, and sequences of events to avoid any inconsistencies that might undermine your case.
Through regular practice, you’ll find yourself more comfortable when presenting facts in court. The likelihood of anxiety, which can result in erratic behavior, diminishes. As the adage goes, practice makes perfect.
Above are some helpful tips for providing testimony in a personal injury lawsuit. While you can apply these suggestions independently, having a personal injury attorney by your side can significantly enhance the likelihood of delivering a meticulous testimony that favors your case.
With their knowledge of handling similar cases, your attorney will guide you on what to express and what to avoid when sharing your account with the court. They will also assist you in committing to memory the crucial details you’ll need to convey during your testimony.