What made you want to write this book?
Christmas has always been a very special holiday to me, and when I woke up from an induced coma after a near-fatal car accident shortly before Christmas 1999, I wrote a little short story to share with close friends. That turned into an annual tradition, and in time I had written nine stories.
How many of the stories are original?
Oh, every story is original. They draw heavily from my personal experiences and are inspired by current events and newspaper headlines. I attempt to weaver the threads of love, compassion, and humanity into a rich tapestry capturing the life of average people caught in the hectic world around them.
Did you share them with your family while writing?
It is impossible to keep anything secret. Naturally, my family knew I was writing stories, and they enjoyed reading them before I sent them out to a small circle of friends.
What’s your favorite one in the book?
Now that is like asking me which of my children is my favorite. When I am actively writing a story, it is my favorite as it has my full attention. Once the story is complete and added to the collection, it is no longer a short story as it is transformed into a part of a greater project. In “Christmas Treasures,” you will see how a collection of short stories becomes a single chronographic tale of people as they go through life, touching other people’s lives. Even though they cross paths, they have no direct connection except the common bond of humanity.
Do you see a second volume in the near future?
I’m not sure what the future will bring. At the moment, I’m working on the third book in a series involving a strange crew of archeologists, FBI agents, and mystics. There is a combination of romance and adventure in each book. After I finish the current project, I might see if I can find some more plot lines to build around the Christmas theme.
If you could bottle one thing about Christmas, what would it be?
Wow, Christmas is really too special and complex to reduce to just one element. I really want to impart the feeling of HUMANITY and the connection we all have to each other how. We must learn to be more accepting and see others as equals, not competitors. Maybe I am a result of the old TV series “Star Track,” where the idea of rejoicing in the diversity of life was a major theme. Christmas is celebrated in December, but so are many other religious holidays. We must learn to Celebrate them all and share in the universal truth that we are all equal.
Is there anything you’d like to change about the festive period?
I think my last answer covers this. I would like to see more effort put into the idea of rejoicing in the diversity of life. Christmas is celebrated in December, but so are many other religious holidays. We must learn to Celebrate them all and share in the universal truth that we are all equal.
Where do you think new traditions come from?
In my mind, traditions are like mighty trees. They start small and grow and spread. They provide shelter and strength to help guide the way through turbulent times: You can see how the Christmas Tree tradition started in Europe and slowly spread. It is easy to see how traditions are adopted from other cultures and blended with existing traditions to enhance and expand the shared joys.
Any advice on how to reconnect with the true spirit of Christmas?
That is an easy question. Listen to your heart. The greatest treasure is in your heart. Share the joy you have with those around you. It is very contagious and spreads quickly when shared freely. Remember, we are all children of the universe. To quote the lyrics of an old song, “WE ARE STARDUST – WE ARE GOLDEN,” we are really a part of something much grander than a small town. We are all part of the universe, and we are indeed made of STARDUST. You may think you are small and have no power to change anything, but in reality, you change people’s lives every day with every good deed you do.
What can readers expect as they work through the stories?
I hope the readers will be rewarded with a warm feeling about how ordinary people doing non-heroic things can spread the joy and goodwill of this most magical season. I hope everyone learns why the greatest gift is in the heart.
For more information, please visit brucespohn-author.com.