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Disruption has unarguably been the zeitgeist of modern technology. However, as the recent crypto crash has shown, disruptive technology- if not democratically beneficial to all investors and if not backed by secure protocols – should also be scrutinized carefully and optimized completely before being brought to market.
Such is the stance that Toronto-based web 3 technology prodigy BIKDATA takes towards the tech it’s deploying to a traditional asset class – data- that could unleash nearly omnipotent value if disrupted.
For context, BIKDATA has developed blockchain technology that enables companies to generate revenue for the first time ever from their warehoused historical financial data. Further, BIKDATA’s modality of drawing value from the data happens on a secure, encrypted platform via their Bikx token, offering a transparent, interoperable process for clients to rely on.
The distinguished leadership at BIK DATA has thus introduced technology and process insulated from a lot of the weak links which have unraveled other Web 3 technologies. The company’s inventor – Ayman Kabalan, incomes from a background of 20 years of database programming, encryption, and analysis, whilst CEO Franzua Rudder brings over 16 years of experience in direct sales experience and driving companies 8 figure revenue growth.
For more info on BIKDATA’s tried and tested model as well as the launch of their forthcoming cross-chain business application BIKDATA BIKX Governance, please check out their site bikx.io.