It’s fair to say that we are well and truly several decades into what we might call the digital age. This has given us enough time to see the upsides and the downsides that this has brought upon society. While the upsides are numerous in the sense that we have the entire world’s information at our fingertips, the ability to discover new exotic medicines far more rapidly than ever before, and now, with the advent of AI, entirely new worlds ripe for exploitation and improving our overall experiences with the world. However, along with these benefits have come some pretty severe downsides that have the potential to damage our delicate societies and range from loneliness to a deep seething anger at the world that comes from a sort of information overload that has never been the case in all of human history. Forutanly, there are ways to manage the disadvantages so that we are better able to focus on the positives that undoubtedly exist. In this post, we are exploring how creating more mindful connections can bring people closer together and, hopefully, soothe many of the teething problems we have seen from adopting a digital life so rapidly.
Importance Of Presence In Communication
We all have that friend or friends who will meet up with us in person but are seemingly never actually there. As soon as they arrive at whatever location you have agreed on meeting at, they will whip out their mobile devices and begin doom-scrolling until something occurs where they actually need to put their device down and interact with reality again. And, if we’re being honey, we are all also probably guilty of this to some degree. However, this can cause serious issues in relationships that can range from mild annoyance to serious miscommunication that causes a variety of awful outcomes. By ensuring that you are present in reality, you will be far better able to foster the sorts of companionships that really count. The same is true even when speaking with others online. For instance, if you’re trying to find love and dating online, the more you are involved in a one-to-one conversion with the person on the other side, the more you will gain from the interaction. Doing so will enable you to read between the lines (even without any visual cues that humans are so attuned to), gain a deeper understanding of who it is you are speaking with, and ultimately, end up with someone you know is a perfect match and enjoys the same things as you do. Now, the question inevitably arises from this point of how to actually go about being present. After all, it’s an easy thing to say, but what does it actually mean in practice?
- Putting away your phone: If you’re meeting someone in person, putting away your device is a sign of respect to them and helps you avoid coming across as rude and disinterested.
- Practice active listening: If you have ever been in a situation where you are listening to someone speak but daydreaming about something else entirely, then you, my friend, should heed this point. Active listening (even when online) can go a long, long way in making sure that you hear what someone else is saying and are able to respond effectively with a riposte of your own. This can help to further conversation and make you stand out as someone who cares about the feelings and thoughts of others.
- Be mindful of your own thoughts and feelings: It is easy to get hurt when another person says something you either disagree with or you believe has said something hurtful. This is especially true when communicating via messaging apps or the internet in some capacity. If you are aware of how something makes you feel and are able to convey that openly to the other person, you can steer the conversion into more amicable territory.
- Avoid duel-screening: Duel-screening is when you are using two or more screens at the same time and is more acute in younger generations than others. Focusing your efforts on whatever you’re doing at the time will allow you to be more present and become a far better conversationalist.

Empathy Enhances Emotional Connections Online
The internet has made it effortless to communicate with almost anyone in the world at any time. This is great to some degree, but it has generated a culture of toxicity that pervades the web in general. Instead of falling into the keyboard warrior trap that is so easy to fall into by pretty much anyone, you ought to try empathizing with others and seeing what they are saying rather than responding to an often vile, knee-jerk reaction. Take a step back before commenting on anything, and ask yourself how you would react if in person. This will give you time to come to a more considerate reply and help you to come across as a much better human being than you might otherwise have. Everyone has their reasons for thinking and acting the way they do, and thinking a little more about why they might have come to specific conclusions can yield a much better reply and help you become a better person overall.

Practicing Gratitude Improves Relationship Satisfaction
We are all guilty of feeling sorry for ourselves at one point or another in life, and this is perfectly normal. We aren’t automatons that feel no pain and suffering from our actions. However, a great way to ensure these feelings melt away is by practicing gratitude. When you take a moment to consider how lucky you are to have your particular life and have people involved with you who love you, every interaction you have, online or off, will suddenly become more positive and compassionate. Moreover, this can help to reduce the stress that can come when talking to others online, which is stress that often arises from being unable to gauge reactions adequately. When you are gracious and thankful for everything you have in your life, it will become easier to disseminate the information that travels digitally from one location to another.
While the digital revolution has brought about many positive changes to society, it has also utterly altered how we communicate forever. By using mindful techniques such as gratefulness and trying to be in the present, you can improve any relationship you have while still being able to appreciate how modern technology can assist.